micro:bit == Jamming Temperature Project


Kids will learn about micro: bit hardware and programming concepts of Micro Python. They will use the micro: bit simulator to learn, explore what micro-python can do in micro bit. Learning micro python will make good starting in syntax programming world which can be used to control hardware.

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SKU: KCT008MP Category:

micro:bit == Jamming Temperature Project


Duration: 8 lessons (1.5 hours per lesson)

Micro:bit is a small computing device for children. One of the languages it understands is the popular Python programming language. The version of Python that runs on the micro:bit is called MicroPython.

Kids will learn key computation concepts and logical operators to program their micro:bit using the Micro Python program.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding of micro bit hardware along with variant inbuilt sensors
  • Handling hardware using Bluetooth as well as radio concepts-here responding is based on the signals hardware receive
  • Combining mathematics concept with hardware – understanding of coordinate axis.


  • Introduction to micro: bit
  • Familiarization with hardware and its connection ports
  • Learning the hardware
    • Buttons
    • Pins
    • Light Sensor
    • Temperature Sensor
    • Accelerometer
    • Compass
    • Radio
    • Bluetooth
    • USB Interface
  • Micro Python
    • The Basics
    • Images
    • Buttons
    • Input/output
  • Project – A temperature sensor